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I've tried ALL the beard companies. Really, it's embarrassing. This oil makes my beard feel the absolute best. It makes my beard so soft that it's hard to style. But I'll take a fluffy pillow over a coarse tangle any day. On days I want a little more styling I'll throw a little butter on, and it last all day. Seriously, better feel in beard than any company, including ostrich and emu based blends.
No exaggeration... this oil is something else entirely... like he found the different oils from another state of the art... like next level... like set the new bar so so high... whatever I say would be an understatement... best in the sun sweating oil period...I have not had a single breakout since I started using this ridiculous oil... if you have not tried this oil yet then you are severely missing out... go right now and get this oil... then come back and thank me...
This stuff smells so good. Just enough of that leather scent but not overbearing. Another hard to describe unique scent but as with all their products makes my beard soft and manageable, smells great, and lasts the entire day even in below freezing temps. They put a lot of effort into their products, customer service, packaging, etc and it shows.
I've always had beard oils with dropper style tops but the Johnnie Ray pump top really dispenses the oil efficiently and without accidental spills. The Genesis and Legato scents are my top two!!
This a great beard oil that makes my beard feel soft and hydrated. I highly recommend this product. I don’t think you will be disappointed.